SNOMED International's SNOMED CT Browser

SNOMED International's SNOMED CT Browser provides ways to browse and search SNOMED CT. The browser has been implemented as part of development within the SNOMED International Open Tooling Framework, by SNOMED International and its development partners

The Browser is provided by the SNOMED International to anyone for reference purposes and the interface and REST APIs are not to be used as part of production systems. There are other tools developed by SNOMED International for Members for the use in health care settings.
Any abuse of the REST APIs will result in the offending IP address being banned from accessing the browser.

Please provide any feedback by clicking on the feedback button at the top of the page. Your feedback is essential to the evolution and improvement of this service.

This site has been optimized for the Google Chrome browser and it will not work with Internet Explorer.

International Editions

Local Extensions

  or   take the Tour...

Externally Hosted Extensions

   Go browsing...
United Kingdom edition
(hosted by the UK)

Many thanks to the SNOMED International Member countries who have provided their extensions in this browser. If you would like to enquire further about any of the Member country extensions in this browser, please contact the relevant National Release Center via the URL's below:

   SNOMED Argentina
   Australian Digital Health Agency
   Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Belgium
   Canada Health Infoway, Canada
   The Danish Health Data Authority, Denmark
   Nictiz, Netherlands
   The National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden
   UK Terminology Centre, NHS Digital, United Kingdom
   National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States, Uruguay
   New Zealand SNOMED CT National Release Centre

If you would like to get involved in the development, this code is available under an Apache v2 open source license. You can also find more information on the current backlog of feedback that is up for possible development here - SNOMED International Browser service page

Releases will allow the selection of SNOMED CT content from the International Edition or other extensions, with specific dates.

Perspectives are pre-defined browsing layouts for specific purposes. Use the responsive perspective for best results in tablets and phones.

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Last updated:

Canada Health Infoway’s SNOMED CT® Canadian Edition Daily Build Browser


Canada Health Infoway’s SNOMED CT® Canadian Edition Daily Build Browser (the “Browser”) is a development environment that provides ways to browse and search SNOMED CT Canadian Edition English and French content that has not been published.

Anyone downloading, accessing or using any part of the Browser must have agreed to be bound by the terms of the applicable SNOMED CT license agreements.

The Browser contains a test build of terminology for reference purposes only. The interface and REST APIs are not to be used as part of production systems in health care settings.

Users should have no expectation of continuity of identifiers, fully specified names, descriptions, or relationships as these are subject to change until publication.

Any abuse of the REST APIs may result in the offending IP address being banned from accessing the Browser in addition to any other action deemed appropriate by Infoway in its sole discretion.

The Browser has been optimized for Google Chrome and will not work with Internet Explorer.


The Browser is made available to you “as is”, without any representations, warranties, covenants and conditions, and Canada Health Infoway Inc. (“Infoway”) expressly disclaims all representations, warranties, covenants and conditions, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise. In no event will Infoway , its affiliates or each of their respective employees, agents, suppliers, or other representatives have any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages whatsoever, whether based on contract (including fundamental breach or breach of a fundamental term), tort (including negligence) or other legal or equitable basis, including without limitation direct, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages or other damages (including without limitation damages for harm to business, business interruption, loss of information or data, loss of profit, loss of savings or revenue, loss of goodwill or other economic loss), arising from or in connection with or relating to (a) the Browser, including the use of the Browser to pre-adopt content displayed in the Browser and (b) any materials or other work product produced in connection with the Browser including any terminology artefact such as value sets, reference sets and maps in each case even if Infoway, its affiliates or each of their respective employees, agents, suppliers, or other representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss or if such damage or loss was foreseeable.


Your feedback is essential to the evolution and improvement of this service. Please provide any feedback by clicking on the feedback button at the top of the page or by emailing us at

Releases will allow the selection of SNOMED CT content from the International Edition or other extensions, with specific dates.

Perspectives are pre-defined browsing layouts for specific purposes. Use the responsive perspective for best results in tablets and phones.

SNOMED International Privacy Policy

© SNOMED International vproject_version

Community Content Browser

For more information on the Community Content platform and the content provided within this browser visit -

This browser contains the first, draft view into different content projects being created collaboratively by the SNOMED community in the Community Content area. This content has not been verified by SNOMED International but has been quality assured by those working on each project.

At this stage, it is strongly recommended to not use any new concepts or identifiers in production clinical data.

Future iterations of this browser will provide ways for you to provide feedback on any new content that you see in a project.

Releases will allow the selection of SNOMED CT content from the International Edition or other extensions, with specific dates.

Perspectives are pre-defined browsing layouts for specific purposes. Use the responsive perspective for best results in tablets and phones.

SNOMED International Privacy Policy

© SNOMED International vproject_version

SNOMED CT Concrete Domains Technical Preview Browser

This Concrete Domains (CD) Technical Preview (TP) has been published in line with the SNOMED CT January 2021 International Edition, with drug concept strengths and counts expressed as concrete values in the new Relationships file.

It is a full RF2 International Edition package (as opposed to a standalone Delta file containing only Concrete Domains), containing all the January 2021 International content together with the new CD Relationships file. The release files offer a preview of the final release package contents and format once the CD transition is complete.

The CD TP Browser presents the TP content through the familiar SNOMED CT Browser user interface for ease of viewing and consideration of the impact and scope of the changes. Whilst browsing the content you can use the Feedback button in the header bar to send your thoughts and questions to SNOMED International via a pop-up form.

The CD TP Browser is optimized for the Google Chrome web browser, but may be usable in other modern web browsers, such as Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is not supported since it is now deprecated by Microsoft in favour of Microsoft Edge.

International Editions

Releases will allow the selection of SNOMED CT content from the International Edition or other extensions, with specific dates.

Perspectives are pre-defined browsing layouts for specific purposes. Use the responsive perspective for best results in tablets and phones.

SNOMED International Privacy Policy

© SNOMED International vproject_version